Front-End Developer

Diana Peretiatko

Responsible recruiter today - passionate FrontEnd Developer Tommorrow. My knowledge of IT industry, creativity and desire to learn new things lead me to development.


  1. GoIT Marathon .......... [ GitHub | CV ]
  2. Go Courses .......... [ GitHub ]

Work Experience

Recruitment Spesialist GlobalLogic

August 2021 - up to now | Ukraine

  • Close everyday cooperation with directors PMs, developers;
  • Handling all recruitment stages: sourcing, pre-screening, offering, onboarding;
  • Working with different domains and huge variety of positions: QA, Back end, Front-end, Embedded, UI/UX, etc;.
  • Deep diving into technologies for quick &quality position closure.


November 2020- August 2021 | Ukraine

  • Handling all stages of recruitment process
  • Creating and upgrading onboarding, off-boarding, exit interviews
  • Conducting one-to-one meetings

Manager Walnut House

April 2019 - November 2020 | Ukraine

  • Leading Recruitment and HR process.
  • Participating in development of organization culture.
  • Controling payroll, vacations and business trips


Ukrainian Catholic University

Psychology and Psychotherapy

September 2014 | July 2019